GS YUASA的目标是利用完善的网络优势,通过不断的新品开发,为全球客户提供优质的产品。并且基于“创新和发展”的企业理念,为客户提供优质的服务。GS YUASA生产的叉车电池,其产品质量在同行业名列前茅,在世界范围内享有较高的声誉。结合客户对于电池长寿命,质量稳定以及易维护的意见和建议,我们特别才有了本公司独创的玻璃纤维管的工艺设计,能最大限度地满足客户的使用要求。GS YUASA生产的叉车电池覆盖了JIS型号以及DIN型号,被广泛应用于物流搬运、仓储、港口以及各种行业。 21世纪被称为“环境的世纪”,时刻创造新的价值是我们电池厂家的使命。
GS YUASA公司承诺,未来将继续努力、为世界环境的洁净贡献我们的力量。 in 2004,GS Yuasa Corporation was created throughthe mergr between"Japan Storage Battery Co.,Ltd". and"Yuasa Corporation".GS YUASA distinguish itself in the battery market by it's high quality products,unique technology and best service to our customers. Our aim is to supply our customers globally with high quality products by utilizing our wouldwide network,strengthening our R&D resources,and by improving our services to our customers all under our corporate vision of "Innovation and Growth".Our tractions batteries are among the world's best in quality,standing out by the technology designed by GS YUASA of using original glass fiber tubes,which meet our customers requirements for a long service life,stable quality and easy maintenance.GS YUASA's range in traction batteries can not only provide JIS types,but also DIN types with an excellent performance in order to prevent leakage. As the 21st century is being called "the century of the environment",new values are required in the battery industry. We as GS YUASA commit ourselves to continue future developments in order to contribute to a clean environment all over the world.● 密闭结构 (Sealed Construction)
● 电解液悬浮系统 (Electrolyte Suspension System)
● 气体再组合 (Gas Recombination)
● 使用免保养 (Maintenance-Free Operation)
● 任何方向可使用 (Operation In Any Position)
● 低压力排气系统 (Low Pressure Venting System)
● 高负荷格子体 (Heavy Duty Grids)
● 低自行放电-长保存寿命 (Low Self Discharge-Long shelf Life)
● 宽广的温度使用范围 (Broad Operating Temperature Range)
● 高回复容量 (High Recovery Capabillity)
日本GSYUASA电池是被设计应用在浮动充电及循环充电使用,高重量能量密度结合了大小和形状的宽广选择,让电池在众多应用下有合理的选择,部分共同应用项目包括但不仅限于常备或主要电源如下 :
● 警报系统 (Alarm Systems)
● 有线电视 (Cable Television)
● 通信设备 (Communications Equipment)
● 控制设备 (Control Equipment)
● 计算机 (Computer)
● 电子收款机 (Electronic Cash Registers)
● 电子测试设备 (Electronic Test Equipment)
● 电动轮椅 (Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)
● 紧急照明系统 (Emergency Lighting Systems)
● 防火或保全系统 (Fire & Security Systems)
● 地理设备 (Geophysical Equipment)
● 海洋设备 (Marine Equipment)
● 医学设备 (Medical Equipment)
● 办公室微处理机 (Micro Processor Based Office Machines)
● 可携式电影和电视灯光 (Portable Cine & Video Lights)
● 电动工具 (Power Tools)
● 太阳能系统 (Solar Powered Systems)
● 电信系统 (Telecommunications Systems)
● 电视和录像机 (Television & Video Recorders)
● 玩具 (Toys)
● 不断电系统 (Uninterruptible Power Supplies)
● 自动贩卖机 (Vending Machines)